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Emil Öhlund

Fullstack Developer

React | Next.js | GraphQL | PostgreSQL | TypeScript

I'm Emil, I'm mostly occupying myself with backend development, I've listed my current go-to stack above. I also have a big interest in design, which is something I've been doing for as long as I can remember. I'm educated, but also a self-taught Fullstack Developer.


I use VSCode as my text editor of choice. Right now I primarily code in TypeScript using React / Next.js. I've recently gotten into Apollo and GraphQL for fetching queries from my databases, PostgreSQL. Using Express as middleware.

For some applications, I'm using Python with Django as the framework of choice. I am however always trying new technologies, I feel it's very important to be versatile. I've also programmed quite a bit in Java, for desktop applications.

When it comes to design I'm always using Adobe XD for wireframing / prototyping. Together with Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. To bring my wireframes to life I'm more often than not doing it with Sass, cause I enjoy the OOP way. I've recently gotten into TailwindCSS though, and it might be a keeper.


It's been in my interest to code, animate, and design since I was around 9-10 years old. I was hanging around on forums every day animating stick figures in Adobe Flash and creating HTML pages that were completely mock-up. After a while, I realized you could code in Flash and I started to learn ActionScript, which was my gateway into programming.

Of course, back then I was just making 'games', and coding menus for my animations. Then I started making websites using Flash, which was quite short-lived for obvious reasons. Flash was losing popularity and it was looking dark for the software, which made me look for alternatives.

I started messing around more and more with HTML and CSS. I ended up using Adobe Dreamweaver which was awesome, I could see what I was creating in 'real-time'! After that things happened and I forgot about coding and development for a while.

A couple of years later, probably around 7 or 8. I picked up my interests in programming and designing once again, this time with a more serious approach. I started developing software in Java, mostly a program for the steel tubes industry that would calculate costs and margins for their sales. At the same time, I started studying at Code Institute as a Fullstack Developer. Where I picked up my Python and Django skills. I also took a Java course which lasted a couple of months to keep myself updated.

Most recently I have been spending all my spare time focusing on the current stack I mentioned above, making APIs, authentication applications, custom dashboards for Google Analytics using their reporting API. And that's where I am today!


Diploma from Code Institute